Why honest marketing is always the best policy for your communications.

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15 July

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    All businesses need to know what their mission, vision and values are. A company’s key messaging always needs to be aligned with that too. It should also inform all content which is shared publicly, no matter where, when or how.

    Well, almost always.

    There is a shift happening in marketing – and it’s paying off in dividends for companies across the board. As people, we’re nosey by nature. So, it’s natural to be inquisitive about how other people spend the 9-5. This is especially the case for companies which we are loyal to and often buy things from.

    Your business should not only happen behind closed doors. Stuff happens in your everyday life as part of a company which would happily entertain your audiences. It may seem somewhat mundane to you but, when presented properly and to the right people, it can deliver authentic engagement. Taking that one step further, it can also add genuine colour and personality to your brand as well as the people who are part of it.

    Reach new heights

    We have a long-standing relationship with BPA Quality as we look after much of their digital communications. They often have some great stuff going on which could stay within internal communications mailers. But, we don’t think that’s right. There’s plenty going on which they should be proud of.

    A team of their employees recently took on the Three Peaks Challenge to raise money for the Exeter Chiefs Foundation Over 20 staff members spent 24 hours tackling the three highest mountains in the UK and putting their teamwork, camaraderie and both physical and mental health to the test. Together, they showed how strong they are as a unit and their dedication to getting the job done. We shared their story across social media and a number of blogs.

    The company is also a big advocate for supporting mental health in the workplace. They have spoken about this publicly on many occasions both at corporate events and conferences and even enjoyed coverage with the BBC during Mental Health Awareness Month last year.

    So, as much as digital channels are a platform to promote conversions, they are also there to build brand awareness. And, your brand is everything bound up in a company – both an internal identity and an external corporate image.

    Open new doors

    What does internal activity contribute to a business’ brand? Bags of personality. It demonstrates that all-important human element, which is a powerful way to connect and resonate with people through shared opinions and experience. Also, it doesn’t have to be revolutionary to tick this box – if you’re having a bake sale, post about it and see the likes roll in.

    We’re not saying that you should be giving away your trade secrets. Lots of companies ultimately thrive on a selectively secretive approach which helps to build their brand reputation. Lego, for example, trades upon it and uses it as a very clever publicity tactic.

    Office life also forms part of the brand identity of Innocent drinks, which is regularly shared on their social media to the delight of their legions of followers. Similarly to Google, which has its own swimming pool at its London HQ, they pride themselves on having a great reputation as a company which no doubt positions them well in the marketplace – and helps when it comes time to recruit. It all does enough to secure your intrigue doesn’t it?

    Moving forward

    So, the lesson to learn here is to have a flexible approach to your key messaging. Your website, blogs and social media channels, such as LinkedIn, are a great way to break some corporate barriers and liven up your brand. Keep it authentic, use the opportunity to tell your brand’s story and people will reward you for your transparency and honest approach to who you are.

    Theme Group are the experts when it comes to social media marketing and digital copywriting. Contact us to discuss how we can develop your corporate communications.


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